Weleda Baby

Clown Fairytales with Pepe and Mania The Clowns!!!

📅 sobota 04.07.2015
Clown Fairytales with Pepe and Mania The Clowns!!!

The clowns Pepe And Mania will make you a part of the world of fairytales. Come and see the stories you might think you know. Take part in the most incredible and funny theatre in Wroclaw. At the end every kid will receive a present from the clowns.

4 lipca od godziny 12:00 

Wstęp/Entrada: 15 zł

Księgarnia Hiszpańska Wrocław/La Librería Española de Wrocław
Szajnochy 5, 50-076 Wrocław
Telefon: 71 302 77 76

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